The Satyam scandal and the global financial crisis have redrawn the outsourcing landscape. Is it time for CIOs to adopt an onshore strategy? The Scoop's Mark Jones is joined by Peter Kazacos, CEO of PK Business Advantage and Sri Annaswamy, director of Swamy & Associates.
Watch the video on http://tv.misaustralia.com/video/7281
advisory service is NOT a “soft sales” generalist
consulting arm for an eventual service delivery
contract based around any of the key activity
domains – call centres or IT outsourcing or finance
& accounting outsourcing delivery.
We have clearly demonstrated this in investing significant time and effort in creating and
presenting “scene setting” research documents in collaboration with other prominent advisors
(eg. Invest Australia, Credit Suisse First Boston, Citigroup and KPMG). For example, we are
currently, perhaps the only offshoring advisor in Australia emphasizing the importance of
KPO as a critical domain for consideration by producing two major referenceable reports on
“Financial Services KPO” for Axiss/Invest Australia as well as being co-researchers
and key contributors to the pioneering KPMG global report on Financial Services Knowledge-Process Outsourcing
entitled “Knowledge Process Outsourcing – unlocking top line growth by outsourcing the core”
Proven expertise in negotiating with and
incentivising the specialist BPO and KPO service
provider market.
Strong “hands on” experience of Six Sigma and
quality metrics driven KPO and BPO arrangements
Risk, Change and Compliance Management advisory
pertaining to Outsourcing such as regulatory
requirements for ASIC, APRA, Basel II and Sarbanes
Oxley Act.
Swamy and
BPSO Advisors and Managers
Level 8, 65
York Street
Sydney -
NSW 2000
Mobile: +61
(0) 414 629 981
(landline): +61 (2) 8215 1504
Fax: +61
(2) 8215 1611 |